Summer Programming Kicks off for The Armory College Prep Students
The Armory College Prep summer programs for middle school and high school students kicked off on July 10th. Students are meeting each Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 4 pm for six consecutive weeks. Our middle school program takes students entering Grades 5-8 who have taken part in Little Feet, CityTrack, and our high school program serves ACP students entering
Grades 9-12.
The theme of this year’s middle school program is exploring sharp pointy things. Each week students will engage in various activities throughout the summer, including riding bikes, playing kickball, and taking trips all over NYC.
Week 1 consisted of:
Tie dying shirts
Bike riding in the park
Taking the ferry to Governors Island
Visiting the American Museum of Natural History

ACP students harvesting crop in the Teaching Garden on Governors Island.