Community Partners
SUNY Attain Lab
Contact: 212-923-1803 Ext: 7038
State University of New York ATTAIN (Advanced Technology Training and Information Networking) is a very successful program that helps community adults bridge the digital divide and learn job-training skills that can help them gain employment. This statewide project offers an assortment of academic, occupational, and employ-ability courses at The Armory's state of the art technology lab. In the 2016, 451 participants came and used the lab. Together they put in 27,708 hours of class time.
Microsoft Digital Literacy
(MOS) Office Certification
Microsoft Word Specialist
Microsoft Excel Specialist
(MTA) IT Certification
Networking Fundamentals
Database Administration
Career Exploration
Teacher Assistant Preparation
Office Administrative Training
Nursing Assistant Preparation
Customer Service
Building Maintenance
Security Officer Training
Resume Help
Cursos y Programas Para La Comunidad Hispana
Rosetta Stone
Clases de computadora
Academic/TASC Preparation
Science (TASC)
Social Studies (TASC)
Police Athletic League
Contact: (212) 927-0306 |
Director: Ramon Spence
The Police Athletic League Armory Center is housed within The Armory on the ground floor and the two organizations work closely to offer programs for the community students. The Police Athletic League at The Armory serves over 400 young people annually and offers programming in art, dance, technology/media, homework assistance, and an array of sports and recreation. Teens are involved in community service projects, youth summits, and partner with the local police precincts through our Cops & Kids Programs.
Programs Offered
After School
Saturday Night Lights
Summer Day Camp
Evening Teen Centers
Children's Aid Society
Children’s Aid Society has a satellite office at The Armory. Their free services offered in The Family Wellness Program can help you provide your family with the security, safety, stability and well-being they need. Their counselors and case managers can assist you in accessing benefits and services such as:
Housing Resources
Health Care
Emergency Financial Assistance
Crime Victims Compensation
Counseling for Domestic Violence, Substance Abuse or Mental Health Issues
Parenting Education and Support
Public Assistance
Children's Counseling
Other benefits and services
Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning
Contact: (212) 854-1692
Columbia University has their Center for Teaching and Learning on the second floor of The Armory. CCTL offers professional development programs and events to connect Columbia University instructors to effective teaching approaches, resources and educational tools and technologies.