Armory Youth Programs Discipline Procedures and Policies

The Armory Foundation is committed to providing a safe, positive, and growth driven environment for all children who participate at The Armory. Please review the following expectations that guide our behavior management.

Expectations for each child:

  1. Respect your peers, Armory staff, and yourself

  2. Hands and feet to be kept to yourself

  3. Follow all instructions set forth by staff members

  4. Refrain from damaging any building property

  5. Refrain from disruptive behavior, fighting, violence of any kind, and inappropriate language.

  6. Comply with any and all other regulations set forth by the Director and program administrators.

Standard Consequences:

First Offense – Warning    

Second Offense – Removal from facility for remainder of session       

Third Offense – Temporary suspension

Fourth Offense – Permanent dismissal

Program administrators have the authority to exercise good judgment and apply a greater or lesser consequence than those listed above. 

  • A child may be immediately dismissed from the program if their behavior is determined to be detrimental to the well-being of others in the program.  

  • Immediate dismissal of an entire family may occur in the event of inappropriate behavior of parents at The Armory. Adults are expected to model the desired behavior that is expected of the children. Profanity, threats, or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.

Please discuss the information listed above with your child.  We appreciate your efforts and thank you for the continued support in making appropriate behavior a priority for all children.