Armory College Prep High School Summer Program Highlights!

This summer has been an exciting one for our high school students! They embarked on college visits to Vassar and Williams, gaining insights into life at two highly competitive institutions. They also participated in an "Intro to Wall Street and Investing" series of classes, learning valuable financial skills that will serve them well in the future. Additionally, they had the opportunity to attend the Broadway musical Suffs, immersing themselves in the arts and culture of New York City. 

Now, college application season is in full swing! Our seniors have started working on their Common Applications, crafting personal statements, and sharing their unique stories and aspirations. We are incredibly proud of their accomplishments and look forward to seeing them continue to thrive.

Twenty-five ACP students created a hit at the annual Summer Showcase, performing ‘The Divine Comedy: ACP's Inferno.’ The production finalized six weeks of intensive analysis, writing, and staging based on Dante Alleghieri's epic 14th-century poem exploring the Nine Circles of the Inferno. The ACP students zestfully pursued Dante's imagery with their versions of contemporary heinous behavior, and the finished product brought the house down. 

Mary Rose Synek, Director of Arts Achievement, congratulated the actors. “The students put their minds, bodies, and souls into this original work,” she said. “They rehearsed moments over and over again, as professionals in the theater do.”

 "Tremendous acting!"  "So funny." "My favorite scene was ..." "Wow. They were great, very entertaining." "The best ever!" were more words of praise overhead that night. To watch the brilliant ACP's Inferno for yourself, please click here. 

Alberto Aquino